Maltings Instrumentation
Maltings refers to a facility or the process involved in producing malt from grains, typically barley, which is used in brewing beer, distilling spirits, and certain food products. The process involves several key steps:
Steeping: The grains are soaked in water to increase their moisture content. This initiates germination.
Germination: After steeping, the grains are spread out in a germination chamber or on a germination floor. Over several days, the grains begin to germinate, developing enzymes necessary for converting the grain's starches into fermentable sugars.
Kilning: Once germination reaches the desired level, it is halted by drying the grains in a kiln. The temperature and duration of kilning can vary, affecting the colour and flavour of the malt.
Cooling and Storage: After kilning, the malt is cooled and then stored, ready for use in brewing or distilling.